Twitter has finally launched the “Verified Accounts” Feature. Now it is giving a Verified Account tag to some users mainly to high profile users like celebrities, athletes, musicians etc. Note that this feature is currently under “Beta” stage. As said by twitter
“To prevent identity confusion, Twitter is experimenting (beta testing) with a 'Verified Account' feature. We're working to establish authenticity with people who deal with impersonation or identity confusion on a regular basis. Accounts with a
are the real thing!”
So currently this feature is available to users like Oprah and Diddy and so [Thanks to webpronews]… Below is a screenshot of how their profile looks…
Pros and Cons:
The real benefit of this feature is that we will get to know about the actual profiles of celebrities and High profile users. So while clicking on the follow button we will not get confused thinking whether it is a real profile or not. Also according to twitter
“With this feature, you can easily see which accounts we know are 'real' and authentic. That means we've been in contact with the person or entity the account is representing and verified that it is approved. (This does not mean we have verified who, exactly, is writing the tweets.)”
But on the other hand this feature Currently is limited to very short number of users. To explain that twitter has included
“This also does not mean that accounts without the 'Verified Account' badge are fake. The vast majority of accounts on the system are not impersonators, and we don't have the ability to check 100% of them. For now, we've only verified a handful of accounts to help with cases of mistaken identity or impersonation.”
So its not currently you and me who are getting this feature. Or maybe twitter will start including this for all! So what do you think on this? Do share through your comments…
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