Facebook is a very popular social networking site and it has improved a lot to provide a Twitter type environment to its users. But users are not using status messages as they use for Twitter. Might be a reason for that was users were also using it to connect with their personal friends and they didn’t want to mess up their personal and professional life by updating status related to their profession or interest like posting news, updates etc. So this was preventing them to less update the status messages.
To solve this issue, Facebook recently added a new privacy feature for your status messages. Now you can select who can see your this update.
You can select people from your Lists or type their names to exclude from your feeds. You can also select your status message visible to all, it is a good feature for professionals.
Facebook is soon launching a new Real-Time search, so it would be good if you post useful links, updates or your new Blog posts on your status like Twitter. It will help you to grow your network and also to get extra Traffic to your blog/site.
So, with this new feature, we can post more and better excluding our friends from our Professional updates. How do you use Facebook and How you are using this feature?, share with us through comments.