Many Twitter users follow so many people, by just randomly browsing here and there or using some mass follow tools, that it results in a big gap between their following list and followers. Where as in order to stop this "Mass Follow Spam" twitter will block your account, if your following:follower ratio is too high. So if you are one of those "Mass follower" then this post can help you not getting yourself banned from twitter.
As said before here is a Free and effective tool ‘Mutuality’ for mass un-following Twitter users who don’t follow you back. There are hundreds of tools like this but many of them are not safe or are not free, Mutuality is a fully safe, your password is fully secure and while un-following users, it performs in natural way so that your account is safe from being blocked by Twitter.
How to Use Mutuality for mass unfollow -
- Go to the Mutuality Page here.
- You might be following many celebrities, brands on Twitter, that are unlikely to follow other users back and you don’t want to unfollow them, so Mutuality gives you this chance too. You can exclude some of these users.
- For Finding who is not following you back or who is following you, use this tool Friend or Follow.
- From there , you can select the users to be excluded and add them to Mutuality.
- After adding all required information, click on ‘Go’ button and wait till it completes your work.