Previously we talked about twitter is losing its popularity, now it is adding more features to attract more users. So far we have seen two useful update on twitter this week stated below...
1. Twitter search to Index URL giving real time Search result:
Very much demanded feature! Soon twitter will not only search the text of twitter posts but also will crawl the URL [Links] included in the Tweets, so as indexing them to give more efficient and prominent result on what is going around the Twitter world! There was a clean signal about this improvement from the Vice President of Twitter
Already implemented update. Now the Email you will get notifying you about the new followers will also contain some basic information about the new follower namely
~~The End~~

Twitter search, will become a lot more useful soon.Also Santosh Jayaram - Recent Manager of Google search quality operation, said that Twitter
Search will also get a "reputation" ranking system soon. When you do a search on a "trending" topic--a topic that is so big it gets its own link in the sidebar--Twitter will take into account the reputation of the person who wrote each tweet and rank the search results in part based on that.However, it is not yet clear how twitter is going to put its searching algorithm and engineers are still working on this! What ever the algorithm may be, this will surely boost up twitter search. Other Evidences~ Twitter switched its default URL shortener from TinyURL to Related to this update we can also predict that the reason behind switching twitter's default URL shortener from TinyURL to was perhaps better crawling and indexibility of URL and Allowing Twitter to monitize itself! According to Jason Lee Miller @
The most persuasive answer (there are others, and we’ll get to them) is metrics. Unlike TinyURL, is also a trend management and metrics platform, one that is very useful not only for tracking shortened links, but also for gleaning information about current trends and memes. In short, forgive the pun, enables better real-time search and meme tracking, two things valuable to both users and marketers.So in short twitter is ready to boost up its tweets giving real time searches and may also finally monetize itself!
Source: cnet news
2. Follower Update Email now include info about the follower:
- Total follower
- Total update
- Total following
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