Firstly I wouldn't recommend you accessing websites which you are not supposed to view at your workplace, because if you are busted you might just lose your job.
Even if you decide to go ahead and do it, your workplace might have blocked command prompt, the website IP is also blocked and if you use a Orkut proxy either your workplace might be smart to block popular orkut proxy websites or you might get banned for accessing proxies. Most of the Orkut Proxy websites you would find by googling are Not working. And Proxy Sites can STEAL YOUR PASSWORDS by using phishing techniques. So you have to be very careful when you are using proxy websites. Not to worry I have a solution for all.....
The best way to do this according to me with TeamViewer. TeamViewer is the fast, simple and friendly solution for remote access over the Internet. No Registrations, No Form-Filling etc.
In this case it can be used to access any website including Orkut from work. Technically with this method you would Login into Orkut from your Home PC (Remote PC) not your Work PC because you would be operating your Home computer remotely. Home PC (Remote PC) can also be any of your friends PC who are currently online.
First Install TeamViewer QuickSupport (998 Kb) on your Remote PC.
You would get the Login ID and Password for the remote PC
Share this ID and Password by phone with your partner
Install Team Viewer Full Version (1.3MB) on your (Work) PC
This way you can open any blocked website or Login Orkut from your workplace. This is the safest way to Open Blocked websites because some proxy website may also be phishing websites which can compromise your account passwords.
PS: People living in Dubai where the whole country cannot access Orkut, have to make arrangements with friends outside their country.
PS: People living in Dubai where the whole country cannot access Orkut, have to make arrangements with friends outside their country.
~~The End~~
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