Copy Paste & Preview.
Choose Font:
<font face="Comic Sans Ms">Text</font>
You can only view the fonts which are installed on your PC
Choose Font Size:
<font face="Comic Sans Ms" style="font-size:36pt">Text</font>
Blink Text:
<font face="Comic Sans Ms" style="text-decoration:blink">Text</font>
Insert Third Party Images & Smileys:
<img src="" height="70" width="70">
You can change the dimensions of the image by changing the height and width values. Orkut accepts the following file formats for images: JPEG,GIF, PNG, or BMP. If your image is not appearing, that host is not supported by Orkut.
Set Background Colour:
<div style="background-color:#0099FF">Your Text </div>
View HTML colour codes.
Set Background Width:
<div style="background-width=80%">Your Text </div>
Default Width is 100%
Set Height of Background:
<div style="padding:17px;background-color:#0099FF;width:80%">Your Text </div>
Align Text:
<div style="background-width:80%;text-align:center">Your Text </div>
Choose Left, Right or Center
Set Right Margin:
<div style="margin:80px;padding:7px;background-color:#0099FF;width:80%;text-align:center">Your Text </div>
You can leave space on right before you start a sentence.
Set Border Size and Colour:
<div style="border:6px solid #000000;margin:7px;padding:7px;background-color:#0099FF;width:80%;text-align:center">Your Text </div><br>
You can increase the border size by changing border value.
You can choose colour by changing Code for solid #
Set Border Style:
<div style="border:6px solid #347C2C;margin:7px;padding:7px;background-width:80%;text-align:center; border-style:double">Your Text </div><br>
You can change border-style from double to dashed or dotted for different effects.
You can also change the size & colour of the borders to customise.
UPDATE: Checkout our new tools
~~The End~~
- Custom HTML Template Generator
- HTML Formatting Text Editor
- Secret Scrapper
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