Previously we had given you a Huge Collection of Smiley Scripts. Now we shall tell you the whole process of making and using smiley scripts on Orkut Community Forum and Scrapbook and also sharing it with your friends in 6 easy Steps.
- Step 1: Preliminaries:
- Install FireFox
- Install Greasemonkey Addon
- Install Universal FireUploader Addon
- Install Smiley Script Helper UserScript
- Download a Sample Pack of Smileys. -{Its a 84 KB zip file containing 150 smilies} +Alternate Link
- Download the Script Template -{Its a simple text file which can be opened with Notepad} +Alternate Link
- Goto and make an account there
You need Firefox and Greasemonkey addon as these are the backbone of making smiley scripts to work in Orkut. You will understand the necessities of other Addons on steps ahead.
- Step 2: Downloading Smileys:
- Step 3: Uploading to Picasa Web Album:
- Goto Tools>FireUploader
- The Uploader will open in a New Page
- Select Picasa Web album and then enter/modify your email id and Password [Dont worry its totally safe!]
- Now on the "My Computer" Site browse inside the folder in which you have saved all the smilies and on the "Picasa" side double click the album under which you want to save the smilies! If you dont have the album then you can create it by clicking on the "Create Directory" button
- Select all the smilies togather and then hit on the Upper Arrow [Facing the Picasa side]
- Wait until all the smilies get uploaded
- Step 4: Making the Script:
- Goto and open the Smiley Album which you have just created.
- When you open the Album then you will see the Script codes just below your username as shown in the image. This is due to the Smiley Script Helper userscript you have installed recently ;)
- Now copy all the codes from beginning to end. Select all the lines Right Click and then click Copy.
- Now open the Script Template which you have downloaded. Go through first 4 lines and you will understand how to Name your Userscript.
- Now Search for the line var smileyarr = new Array();
- Below that line paste the whole code which you have copied from Picasa Album.
- Now click on Files>Save as. Select Save as Type to All and save your file as FILENAME.user.js , ie the extension of the file should be .user.js
- Step 5: Test and Troubleshooting Your Script
- Make sure that Greasemonkey addon is enabled
- Drag and drop the *.user.js file you have created in the above process, on any open Firefox Window and then wait until greasemonkey installs it automatically
- If you have done every thing correctly then your smilies will come below the Scrapbook and Community posts as well
- Here is a Sample Script. Download this and compare with your script if you find any flaw. +Alternate Link
- Step 6: Share your Script:
- Goto and register there for free!
- On the profile homepage click on "Manage Your Scripts" and then click on "Upload a new Script".
- Select "upload a script file" and then browse and select the *.user.js file you have created. Userscript will automatically create the script and will name it.
- Then share the script with your friends and also post the link in the comments section so that we can also share it
That's all! I shall recommend you to download every requirements together and save this whole page as PDF format (You can find the Save as PDF button above this post) and then make the script. Dont forget to share this tutorial with your friends and DO comment :)
~~Happy Orkutting~~
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