Click on Image to Enlarge
- Shahrukh Khan Fan Club (376000+ Members)
- Diamond- Girl's Best Friend (80,000+ Members)
- My Name starts with "A" (156000+ Members)
- WWE John Cena (153000+ Members)
As the real story has not come up yet. But from the events we can understand that Orkut Guy acts like a hacker's profile who has gained access to the admin powers. His list of communities display his juvenile tendencies or rather confusing, who would possibly want to have WWE and Diamonds-Girl's best friend. There have been no violation of TOS in many communities and this person has been keeping a low profile.
The above screenshot is of one of the communities taken over by Orkut Guy which caught my attention. As India Community is in his list of communities and it is under a threat because of the recent cyber war. Where IRP was taken over by Hindu Cyber Warriors. It is possible that this profile performs an act of revenge. It is also possible that he is the person who had hacked IRP.
Whatever might be the case, irrespective of the matter that Orkut Guy is a hacker or not, he/she has misused admin powers. As of now people are outraged by this and OUG has started complaining about this which is getting a huge response. People are requesting Google to investigate in this matter in the Orkut Help Forum. Many of them are talking about leaving Orkut and switching over to Facebook henceforth.

UPDATE: 27th Feb 09, 2:21PM
Orkut Guy has hacked over 4000 Communities. This is the biggest hacking spree ever.

UPDATE: 27th Feb 09, 2:42 PM
Orkut Guy has hacked over 5000 Communities. Orkut is totally Owned!

27th Feb 09, 5:04 PM
Vandini has replied that Orkut Guy is nobody else but their system automated bot who has taken over all the communities which undertake activities which violate the Orkut TOS. All the communities that have been taken over in a fraudulent manner have been given to system selected eligible owners. Orkut guy has sent ownership requests to such system-detected eligible owners and a few of them have already been transferred to such trustworthy members.
Many kids who had been naughty are crying now. Sorry but a community is such a small thing, I'm sure you would find something of your interest and work towards your goals with integrity. Use your smarts for the good.
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