Step1: Find any Smiley or any GIF's on the web or from Google Image Search

Step 2: Save them on you PC.
Step 3: Upload them on Picasa Web Albums. Make sure that you keep albums as Public
Step 4: Open that image and Right Click to Copy Image Location and paste that in Orkut Communities or your friends scrapbook. You can just bookmark that album and open it on other tab whenever, so whenever you need some custom smileys or animations of your choice, you can get them quickly.
Alternatively you can use Orkut Toolbar for adding many more smilies or custom animations. You might want a smiley posted by someone which is really cool. You must be knowing that you can just Right Click and select Copy Image Location. This you can add to your Orkut Toolbar.
First download OTB for your browser:
Download Orkut Toolbar
* For Firefox 3
* For Firefox 2
Then Install it and Restart your browser to activate OTB.
Now Follow these steps:
1) Select Insert a Signature > Customise > New
2) Paste the link (GIF or Image Link from Album) in Signature
3) Select whatever description you want EX: Hehe or Angry Smiley
Save it . Now you can use it even more quickly.
Not sure how long Orkut will be allowing this. It's been a while that Orkut has allowed it, so hopefully they may not fix this.
Have your own Style
No Greasemonkey Needed. No Installation of Scripts.
There is nothing to worry it is perfectly safe.
RELATED: Follow through this Post in the community
~~The End~~

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