IC370 needs no introduction, it's one of the most popular community with current membership soon crossing 550,000 but most of the membership comes from only 16% of total Orkuters.
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Recently the previous owner & founder Gagan Saksena's profile was deleted and Somehow Vishal Trivedi from Vadodara Gujrat luckily became the owner eventhough and also an instant orkut celebrity (probably even in his neighborhood), he had joined India on 1st Jan 2008. This was Vishal's reaction when he suddenly realised he became the owner of IC370.
My analysis of How Vishal became the Owner....is "Timing", he joined the community in a very freakinly precise time. When orkut servers deletes owners account, it would automatically take a member who has joined the community exactly 10 days before the deletion of owners profile.
Difference: Unlike Gagan, who was never seen active in the community (maybe invisibly active) or ever changed his profile, Vishal is currently an active member, replying to posts, editing description, and working invisibly, i.e deleting countless spam and hate threads and banning members.
Below: Gagan & Vishal
Gagan was seen as reasonably neutral person and had always kept his opinions private yet he was largely criticised and similar fake profiles were made by ever increasing haters and mischief makers.
Vishal has taken good measures to increase his account security from "hacker elements".
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He has been pretty open about his views to the extent that added line on India Community's description "Hinduism is not a religion it is a way of life ....." and also adding Hinduism in it's in related communities. Not everyone is liking it. Vishal would learn, he would become neutral in a while from the amount of opinionated hate speech going on in the community, and also remove the information from his profile when he finds out that someone has been impersonating him. Also we are hoping that he takes some good measures to improve the management of the community. My only question is "Would Vishal give back the community to Gagan if he claims it?"Only time and this blog will tell.
PS: Like/Hate it, But Rate it
~~The End~~